Universal Strategy Operating System
The definition of strategy calls for a universal approach to strategy development and execution.
Each strategy project, in one way or another, includes:
- Goals (either externally imposed or internally generated)
- Simple choices and complex alternatives
- Ideas and analysis
- Decisions
- Execution and results
We have developed an underlying strategy operating system that powers all
approaches, techniques, tools, applications and specific projects and results.
This strategy operating system includes:
- Multi-dimensional space of choice (overall coordinate system) that
encompasses the widest possible perimeter across multiple dimensions (degrees of freedom).
Given the turbulence and multiplicity of challenges, opportunities and current and potential
choices, these degrees of freedom can reach dozens for a particular company.
All information, analysis, trends, player positions and moves, new creative ideas and, ultimately,
decisions and executed strategies live and grow in this multi-dimensional space.
Related Tools
- System interdependencies between multiple components both inside the
business and across external parameters.
A mere structure (organizational, product, customer segment-based etc.) does not suffice
As factors of strong influence on decisions and operations multiply and become even
stronger, a dynamic system of dealing with these interdependencies becomes a necessity.
This system is equally important in shaping the next big move and in strategic management and
Related Tools
- Maximum involvement of teams (both internal and external) with heavy
emphasis on emotions and creativity in addition to systemic and
numeric analysis.
This emotional and creative engine includes:
- Employing extended team creativity and emotions to uncover degrees of freedom that would not be
found with traditional analysis.
This is made possible by expanding mental boundaries and
involving team participants from other environments.
- Creative idea generation - for key strategy choices, new business models, decision criteria and
decisions themselves.
- Flexibility and open team mind vis-a-vis serendipities and opportunities in the market and in
the execution process.
- Shaping company and team "habits" in a way that embeds creative team instincts in addition to
systemic and disciplined processes.
Related Tools
- Results-driven process that includes:
- Clear understanding of alternatives (creative and systemic/multi-dimensional)
- Firm decisions based on both logical and emotional criteria (with clear delineation and weighing
of both)
- Flexible and scenario-driven planning and agile execution, leading to results
Strategy Net tools and applications implement this strategy operating system across multiple types of strategy projects.